
Showing posts from February, 2013

Comparable vs

Classes should implement the Comparable interface to control their  natural ordering . Objects that implement Comparable can be sorted by  Collections.sort()  and  Arrays.sort()  and can be used as keys in a sorted map or elements in a sorted set without the need to specify a  Comparator . « Interface » Comparable + compareTo(Object) : int compareTo()  compares this object with another object and returns a  negative  integer,  zero , or a  positive integer as this object is  less  than,  equal  to, or  greater  than the other object. Use Comparator to sort objects in an order other than their natural ordering. « Interface » Comparator + compare(Object, Object) : int + equals(Object) : boolean compare()  compares its two arguments for order, and returns a  negative  integer,  zero , or a  positive integer as the first argument is  less  than,  ...