Salesforce Migration Tool – ANT
Following are the three ways to Migrate code, objects, schema etc… from organization to another : Change sets (From Salesforce site) Eclipse (Using “Deploy to server” option in Eclipse) ANT (Java based tool) We are going to discuss the ANT based migration, step by step: Prerequisite: JDK 1.5 or above Step 1: Download ANT distribution from – “ ” Step 2: Set Environment variable “ ANT_HOME ”. The path should be of parent folder of “bin”. Also add the “bin” folder to your path. Step 3: Check whether ANT is installed or not properly by running command “ ant -version ”. It might be possible that you receive message something like “ unable to find tools.jar ”. You can copy this jar from “JDK_HOME/lib/tools.jar” to “JRE/lib” folder. Salesforce Get ANT version In above screen you can see that before copying “tools.jar” I was getting warning. Step 4: Login to salesforce and navigate to “Your Name |S...