Here I'm posting some important facts may ask in interviews,hope these are helpful for you. If a Controller Extension extends Standard Controller,the logic from the standard controller does not execute in system mode,instead its execute in user mode.In which the permissions, sharing rules,field level security of the current user apply. The view State Size of visualforce page must be under 135kb.By reducing view state,page can be load quickly. Use Transient Keyword in apex controllers to define variables,that aren't essential for state maintaining,aren't necessary during page refreshes. In BatchApex,by using DATABASE.QUERYLOCATOR object returns 50 millions of records,if more than 50 millions records are returned,batch job is immediately terminated and marked a fail. The Default Interval value for Apex:ActionPoller is 60 sec,its must be 5 sec or greater . Use CustomController When you want to run visualforce page...