
Showing posts from May, 2014

SalesForce-Understanding Execution Governors and Limits

Deployments by using change sets

Deployments by using change sets By using change sets we can deploy our customizations from one environment to other environments in Salesforce. Change sets available in Enterprise, performance, unlimited and editions. Note: In this post organization/environment means it may be sandbox or production. By using change sets we can deploy code from sandbox to sandbox and also we can deploy Sandbox to production. Prerequisites to deploy by using change sets 1. A deployment connection between two organizations. 2. Overall test class code coverage should be greater than 75%. 3. Create and upload change sets user permission to create or upload change sets. How to do deployments by using change sets? 1. Create outbound change set in source organization and upload that change set to Target instance. 2. In target instance go to inbound change set and go to the change set uploaded from source instance and deploy that change set. For exam...

Important Points may ask in Interviews

Here I'm posting some important facts may ask in interviews,hope these are helpful for you. If a Controller Extension extends Standard Controller,the logic from the standard controller does not execute in system mode,instead its execute in user mode.In which the permissions, sharing rules,field level security of the current user apply. The view State Size of visualforce page must be under 135kb.By reducing view state,page can be load quickly. Use Transient Keyword in apex controllers to define variables,that aren't essential for state maintaining,aren't necessary during page refreshes. In BatchApex,by using DATABASE.QUERYLOCATOR object  returns 50 millions of records,if more than 50 millions records are returned,batch job is immediately  terminated and marked a fail. The Default Interval value for Apex:ActionPoller is 60 sec,its must be 5 sec  or greater .  Use CustomController When you want to run visualforce page...

Difference between pageblocktable,datatable and repeater?

PageBlockTable: PageBlockTable should be define inside pageblock or pageblocksection. PageBlockTable uses standard styles sheets to design a visualpage. It has the  required attribute "value". Column headers  will be displayed automatically. DataTable: No need to write inside pageblock or pageblocksection. There is no required value. The  data can be displayed using  custom style sheets. we need to specify column headers explicitly. Repeater: There is no proper alignment of data in repeater compared with DataTable.

salesforce Fieldset visualforce page

A field set is a grouping of fields for same object. We can use dynamic bindings to display field sets on our Visualforce pages. Fieldset is very useful when we are working with managed package. A fieldset is a grouping of fields. For example, fieldset can contain fields like first name, last name, mobile, phone of user object. Consider a scenario, suppose we want to display some fields in a page and we want to keep the flexibility to change which fields are displayed. In such a scenario we should use field sets to add or remove the fields as per requirement.Which ever fields are included in the field set will be displayed in page. For this we will need to create a field set on object we wish, then we can access it directly in visualforce page. Another scenario is, suppose visualforce code is part of managed package. In that case we can add, remove, or reorder fields in a field set to modify the fields presented on the Visualforce page without modifying any code. In the example...