Sending Mass Emails From Salesforce

  • Create a Email Template
Email Description Field

 Then you either go to the Lead Tab or the Contact Tab and scroll down the page until you see the Mass Email link in the Tools section.
Mass Email Link on Leads Tab
On the first step of the mass email wizard is to create your target list. To do this you have the option of leveraging an existing View that is available on the Leads tab, or you can create a new View from within the wizard. In this example we will create our target list from within the wizard by clicking the Create New View link.
Step One - Create Your View
In my example I’m creating a quick View to grab any Lead that is in the State of California. Notice in Step 2 of the View you can use a Campaign to filter (handy if your Campaign has your target list as Campaign Members!). Remember you have governor limits based on your edition (see paragraph two of this blog posts).
Create Lead View Step 1
If you’re running Professional Edition for example, and your View pulls more than 250 records, you’ll need to add additional filters to your View to reduce the number of results (for example, Last Name starts with "A,B,C,D,E,F"). Notice that I’ve got a few Leads with the same email address. Like I mentioned before, Salesforce does not "de-dupe" or send based on unique email addresses. That email address is going to get four emails if they remain selected. You can use the checkboxes to the right to exclude any records from your View. Then we can click the "Next" button and proceed to step two of the mass email wizard.
Exclude some emails from list
In step two you will navigate to the email folder that has your email, select it, then click "Next."
Step 2 - Pick Your Email Template
In step three you’ll see at the top how many people will receive the mass email. In the Processing Options section you’ll see two checkboxes. The first is to receive a copy of one of the emails (so you know it got sent and how it looked). The second is to tell Salesforce to log a completed activity that a mass email was sent. The Mass Email Namefield just below that is NOT the name used when the activity is logged, but rather the identifier when you look at your mass email queued up in Setup > Administration Setup > Monitoring > Mass Emails.
Monitoring Mass Emails
In the last section, Delivery Options, you have the option to schedule the email or send it right now. If you schedule it for the future, you’ll get an email from Salesforce letting you know when you mass email was sent, and you can monitor it from the aforementioned queue.
Step 3 - Schedule Email for Delivery
If you click "Send," Step 4 of the wizard is simply a confirmation page.
Step 4 - Finished


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