How to search Google efficiently?
How to search Google efficiently?
Tricks for efficient Google search:
Every 9 out of 10 people use Google to Search the contentthey wish, and according to a recent survey 80-90% of people face unsuccessful searches. Today the post is on How to Search Google more efficiently, forming a good Google query and you end up getting the exact and relevant search results.Here i am sharing some extremely helpful goggling skills with my readers.
Have you ever imagined how pleasurable it would be if you get exactly what you were looking for??? the techniques mentioned below will add value to your query. Using particular operators along with the search terms in a specific syntax or format will provide you with accurate and efficient content in no time.
1) Use Quotes:
Usually, when you type the search term without quotes then Google will look for the pages containing any of the word in the search term. Say for example, if i type “anthem of India” without quotes, then Google will list out all the webpages containing the word “anthem” or “India”, but it won’t show the desired search results as we want pages containing the whole term.
Enclosing the search term inside a pair of double quotes will display search results of only the webpages containing that exact phrase in the same order.
Format: “Search term”
Example: Suppose, you want to search for the termtechofundas4u, then your query must be:
2) Also search for similar terms:
Putting a Tild(~) symbol right before the search term will perform a search for the synonyms of the term as well. Hence the results will contain webpages having words similar to the term.
Format: ~search term
Example: Suppose, if you wish to search the word jail, your query looks like:
3) Use wildcard:
The *(asterisk)symbol is called wildcard, that can be placed in the search term where we are not sure about the word. You can replace * with any word in your search term whether it is the name of a book, a movie, the song lyrics, and likewise.
Format: search * term
Example: Suppose i forgot the name “tom and jerry”, one of my favourite cartoons them I will write whatever words I remember and will place * where I forgot the word. My query is:
4) Check and correct spellings:
spell: operator will check the term for spelling mistakes and perform search for the correct word automatically.
Format: spell: Search term
Example: Suppose if I don’t know the correct spelling of the word I will write the incorrect spelling “enginering” proceeded by spell: operator, now Google will perform search for the correct word “engineering”. The query must be:
5) specific file type:
Sometimes you may want the particular file type related to the search term. If you want only the file with .PDF, .DOCX or .XLS extension then place the filetype: operator prior to the extension and then write the search term.
Format: filetype: file-extension Search term
Example: Suppose you are looking for a presentation on the search term “3G technology” then your query looks like:
6) search word definitions:
Sometimes it may happen that you want only the definition of the term and nothing else. Then simply place the define:operator prior to the search term, it will serve your purpose providing quick definitions from the webpages. And more importantly this operator also shows an audio button, clicking on that will give the exact pronunciation this is the most useful feature.
Format: define: Search term
Example: Suppose you want the definition of the term “Nanotechnology” then you can simply append the term to the define: operator. Your query must be:
7) Search for music:
The “music” operator gives search results related to music only. Using this operator prior to the song lyrics, or album name will show links to that song to watch and download the song.
Format: music “song lyrics/album name/ movie name”
Example: Suppose if you want only the song “Chahu mein ya na”and not the lyrics, or reviews then you may simply append this lyrics to the music operator. Your query is supposed to be:
8) Find pages containing search term in their URL:
allinurl: operator will search the webpages containing exactly the particular search term in their URL.
There is another operator inurl that does the same function as allinurl but the only difference is that inurl will look only for the URLs containing the first word of the search term, and the remaining words will be searched in the page.
Format: allinurl: search term
Example: Suppose if the search term is “booking event” then it will display results in whose URL “booking event” will appear. The query looks like:
9) Find pages containing search term in their title:
allintitle: operator will search the webpages containing exactly the particular search term in their page title.
There is another operator intitle that does the same function as allintitle but the only difference is that intitle will look only for the pages with titles containing the first word of the search term, and the remaining words will be searched in the page.
Format: allintitle: Search term
Example: Suppose I want to find the pages with the term “troubleshooting hardware problems” in their titles, the query must be:
10) Use OR:
OR operator displays search results for both the search terms on either side of it. It is best suited if you want to look for both word but separately in different links, or if both the words are similar in meaning. You can also use -- (double hyphen) or | (Pipe) symbol instead of OR.
Format: Search term1 OR Search term2
Example: Suppose if I want to search for words Pizza and Burger simultaneously, then I’ll place OR operator between these two words and it will show links of pages having both the words in their content. The query must be:
11) Use NOT:
This operator excludes the word with – (minus) sign before it from the search term. The pages containing the excluded word will not be shown. This will strongly specify that you don’t want that word to appear anywhere in your search results.
Format: search term –term to be excluded
Example: Suppose I want to search for the term institutes but I don’t want the word private to appear anywhere in the search results, then my query will look like:
12) Use Google as Calculator:
Type in the search box the whole equation you wish to solve and here you go, it is far easier than using your computer’s calculator because Google will solve the equation and display result at once, instead of having to do it manually performing 1 operation each time.
This is a very fascinating feature of Google , as it have an inbuilt Calculator. You just need to type in the expression.
Format: Mathematical Expression
Example: Suppose I wish to solve the expression (17*3)/(4*(6-2)-5) then I’ll simply Google it and the result will be displayed within no time as shown below.
13) Unit Convertor:
Google have another excellent feature called Unit convertor, that is built into it. You need to write down which unit and in what quantity, is to be converted into which one, Google does the necessary unit conversions for you.
Example: Suppose I have to find out how many Rupees are there in 5.4 US Dollars, then write it in the form of a fill in the blank question as shown below.
14) Search within a site:
If you are sure that you want to search a term from a particular website then you can restrict your search using site:operator. Then you will be shown the search results from that particular website only.
Format: Search term site: site URL
Example: Suppose you are looking for the term “news” in the website, then your query must be:
Or you may also use site: operator to find all the website having the same domain names like .com, .org, .edu, .in, .gov and much more.
15) Look for Area code:
16) Find all the pages linked to a specific URL:
If you want to know which all webpages are linked to a particular site, then use link: operator. This query will show you the links af all the webpages that links to that site.
Format: link: URL
Example: Suppose you want to find that all the webpages that links to the website then the query must be: