I agree that Salesforce Developer DEV-401 exam is easier than Salesforce Administrator ADM-201.
I recommend taking the Salesforce Administrator ADM-201 first, although this is no longer a pre-requisite to the Salesforce Developer DEV-401 it gives Salesforce professionals a good grounding.

Resources To Pass Salesforce Developer Exam (DEV-401):

Specific Areas To Focus On :

  • Master-detail relationships
  • Sharing rules and Org Wide Defaults
  • Assignment rules
  • Approval processes
  • Junction Objects
  • Workflows
  • Custom report types
  • Analytic snapshots
  • Validation rules
  • Field level security
  • Record types
  • Role hierarchy
  • Relationship rules

Master-Detail Relationships :

Sharing Rules And Org Wide Defaults :

Assignment Rules :

Approval Processes :

Junction Objects :

Workflows :

Custom Report Types :

Analytic Snapshots :

Validation Rules :

Field Level Security :

Record Types :

Role Hierarchy :

Relationship Rules :

General Revision Advice :

1. Do no rely on external multi-choice practice exams, many are incorrect and don’t help
2. Dedicate time before work e.g. 1 hour prior
3. Avoid telling people when your exam is, avoids undue pressure
4. Do not multi-task while revising (Consolidation theory 1Consolidation theory 2)5. Paper based notes - short to long term memory is greater when writing6. Sleep - get enough. Proven to enhance memory capabilities (& psychology today)7. Take a personality test to understand how you take in information
8. Online test? If the camera isn’t setup correctly call Kryterion Support, save the number
9. Use a story based memory technique - World memory champion technique10. Give yourself a reward – You’re more likely to focus

Other Great Salesforce Developer Certification Resources :

If you need any dumps please post your EmailID.


Unknown said…
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